Year 7 Camp

Our Year 7 camps held at Weekaway Camp in Benloch last week gave students and teachers a chance to build connections and learn more about each other outside the classroom.

Students had a wonderful time trying all the different activities such as the Possum glider, crate stack and cannoning, to name a few. It was great to see students building relationships with their peers and teachers.

It has also been wonderful speaking to students about their favourite moments from camp. The group initiatives were a huge success. Students had to work together in their homeroom groups to complete an activity such as getting from one side of an area to another without falling into the “lava (made of bark)” using a skipping rope and carrying a bucket of water.

The winning homerooms received points towards the Clairvaux Shield. Different activities throughout the year allow students to earn points for their homeroom; the current tally is very close between three homerooms.

I want to thank the Year 7 Homeroom teachers and other staff who attended the camp. Without the staff support and dedication, activities such as camps cannot go ahead.

Student reflections

Camp was thrilling! All the activities such as possum glider, maze, canoeing, raft building, crate stacking, and archery were memorable in every way. Each activity was fun and every moment was spent building connections with my peers. Personally, my favourite activity was the possum glider as it relied predominantly on teamwork. I could shout out encouragement and make jokes, which made the experiences enjoyable.

Hannah - 7A

I preferred the maze activity, as it strengthened the trust between my teammates and helped improve my memory. I enjoyed the maze because of the support I got from my teammates and I liked the way we encouraged the other players not to give up. Camp wouldn’t have been the wonderful experience it was without the teachers' support, specifically Ms Crocitti.

Mongboe - 7A

Louise Crocitti

Year 7 Coordinator

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