A Welcome Return To On-Site Classes

Last Friday, students and staff returned to the classroom, a welcome relief after several months of lockdown and distance learning.

Year 7, 10 and 11 students were on-site and we asked them to tell us how they were feeling and what they were looking forward to.

Hannah – Year 7

How did it feel to put on your uniform this morning?

Putting my uniform on this morning made me realise how much I missed being at school with friends and teachers, and how good it is to be in a classroom instead of joining a meeting.

Ashok and Georgina - Year 10

Georgina - Year 10

What did you do to prepare for your return to school?

I made sure I was always up to date with my classes so I was ready when we were told to return. I had to try and go back to my normal sleeping routine because I need to wake up earlier to get ready and travel to school. I also had to check my uniform because it’s been a while since I’ve worn it. What I’m not looking forward to is plain sandwiches for lunch.

Ashok – Year 10

What were two things you missed most about learning in the classroom?

As we begin going back to school, I am looking forward to getting back into routine with all the classes. I am also looking forward to being able to work closely with my teachers and peers again.

Nicholas - Year 11

What are you most looking forward to about being back at school?

I get to see all my friends and can finally get back to a proper working environment, and I’m hoping that it stays that way. I’m also looking forward to working with the other student leaders to plan things we can implement in the school community.

Allan - Year 11

What are your hopes for the rest of this term?

I hope students and teachers can settle back into face-to-face learning and enjoy being back in a community environment. I also hope there won’t be sudden interruptions or year levels sent into isolation.

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