Year 8 Return to School

Our Year 8 students returned onsite yesterday to a full day of activities designed to re-engage them with their friends, teachers and College life.

The aim was to make the return to school a positive one and build positive connections among students and staff to increase engagement for not only Term 4 but also 2021.

During Period 1, homerooms celebrated student achievements that occurred during Distance Learning Mode. Students also explored their experience of remote learning before being involved in several conversation-based activities.

Period 2 and 3 saw students participate in an Amazing Race around the College grounds.

Working in groups comprised of half their homeroom and a teacher, the students navigated through the 15 checkpoint activities.

These initiative-based challenges encouraged students to collaborate, communicate, problem-solve and use their critical thinking skills. A mixture of knowledge and physical skills were required. Students also worked to solve many cryptic clues about key locations and College buildings as well as traditional riddles.

In Period 4, a STEM-based challenge in small groups was completed, with students required to create the tallest free-standing tower made of spaghetti, tape and string with a marshmallow on top. Students also participated in further communication activities to finish the day.

Thanks to the homeroom teachers for their efforts and the students for their fantastic behaviour and enthusiasm. It was a very successful day.

Jordan Reithofer

Lawrence House Leader

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